Monday, February 7, 2011

Why does Facebook hate pin-up?

Facebook's photo flagging policy allows for anyone to report photos they deem "inappropriate", which is designed to help make the site a safer place for all.  Why doesn't that work?  Facebook claims to review all flagged photos, but that is clearly not the case.  They don't even have the time or manpower to review every claim that is made, nor do they seem to care.

Several pin-up photographers, models, clothing designers, hair and makeup artists and others who simply like pin-ups have been targeted by anonymous cowards who flag their photos out of spite, jealously, boredom and who knows what other reasons.  Why does Facebook allow their system to be abused in this way?  I have contacted Facebook several times about this issue, and one member of the Facebook Team even agreed with me that my flagged photo was not in violation of their rules.  Normally, all you get back is the standard copy and paste reply about how every report is reviewed and action is taken accordingly.  If your photo was removed, its because it was deemed inappropriate.  Sorry, but I'm not buying it.  I have had everything from head shots to fully clothed images to black-bar-censored images flagged and removed.  It doesn't seem to matter to Facebook.

I recently had this image flagged and removed, for reasons that remain unknown to me.  Perhaps the self on self violence???

I was glad to see that Facebook is now showing you which of your images has been removed, at least.  Then I had the same photo removed again, presumably from my personal profile this time.  I got this message from Facebook:

Then the same photo was flagged and removed for a third time, I'm guessing from the fan page I set up after my original page was deleted from the site after just this sort of behavior.  I received the following messages:

As you can see, these photos depict nothing of what violates Facebook's policies.  Does Facebook care?  No.  And with the new flagging system, it will be a matter of days before any individual with a personal vendetta could shut you down completely.  Why does Facebook give so much power to these individuals?  Why don't they support small business owners, instead of punishing them even when they do not violate their rules?

How do large corporations such as Victoria's Secret and Frederick's of Hollywood manage to keep their fan pages up and running when their images show more skin and are more suggestive then many of the images I've seen flagged?  Is it all about the money?  What does it cost to be able to post your images on Facebook?  If it's your soul, I'll just post them to Flickr.


  1. Erin,

    Your photos are not only tasteful and respectful of the female form and image, they are true works of art and I am truly saddened that Facebook feels the need to censor it. And yet they will allow individuals to post pictures of dogs defecating on the Steelers logo and that is apparently decent and without cause for censorship. Seriously Facebook? And I agree, they should then take down the Fredricks of Hollywood page and the Victoria's Secret page. As I matter of fact, I think I am going to go flag those photos as inappropriate and offensive since they are 100 times more risque than your beautiful photos. Please don't stop sharing your beautiful talents with the world, they need to see REAL women, BEAUTIFUL women, amazing talent and art. Your gift should never be censored!!!

  2. Yeah someone flagged a photo of my daughter in the hospital the day she was born. Not sure what rule that pic violated as all her girly bits were totally covered lol.

  3. I think its from either jealous people or idiots who have it out for you guys

  4. Just keep doing what your doing : ) for every picture flagged, put 10 more up in its place! This is obviously happening because someone is jealous!!

  5. I was removed from facebook for photo violations. I lost 130 photo albums and 1800 photos of myself, plus several burly show photos. I seriously switched all my photos to flickr. The only ones left on my page that we're questionable AT ALL were the ones uploaded from my other "deleted" profile. Facebook rules are stupid. They need a better system. For instance they give you an option to enforce an age restrictions on your page, but there is no guarantee your photos are safe then, still anybody can flag you.
